Archive for Construction

Raelynn Heath-Rae’s Materials

Raelynn Heath is a young girl who started her own business making and designing jewelry. she started making jewelry when she was just 4 years old.

Young Raelynn started making her first jewelry with plastic beads and acrylic. as she got older, she continued to create new things like jewelry out of clay and recycled pieces of soda cans and chip bags, and even her old clothes she grew out of. With her mother’s assistance, she would give donate to members of her community to those specifically lost loved ones. she plans to expand into clothing design as well.

From Raelynn’s amazing product and mission, she made it onto the 1 Million Cups to spread awareness of her product and to explain her story. 1 Million Cups is a Weekly education program that gives experiential learning opportunities to entrepreneurs of today’s world.

I find young Raelynn’s so unique with her recycled jewelry and I’m behind impressed that she made such a popular project at such a young age. I think her story is motivation to us all to commit to our ideas and make them come true.

Bridgit Solutions by Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Lake

Bridgit Solutions is a Canada based company founded by Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Lake. The two founders both have backgrounds in construction, so Bridgit Solutions – a company that creates software to make project management simpler for contractors and developers – came from personal experiences turned commercial. The company has launched several tech platforms that aim to make networking and organizing easier for construction teams. While the company’s home base is Kitchener-Waterloo, the company has also expanded to the Toronto area, where there’s a thriving condo construction market.

I found Brodie and Lake’s company to be inspirational for several reasons. For one, they came up with it by using their own personal experiences and skills. In addition, while this company may not be the most radical innovation out there, it’s still taking something and making it better and simpler than it was before, and in the process they’re helping other people, which is the aim of entrepreneurship.

Bridgit builds simplicity into construction project management platform

Read more about Bridgit Solutions at:

Cain Malroy Is Not Playing Games

Cain Malroy is a nine year old boy from the LA area. He took to his creative side and made an arcade out of cardboard. He used his fathers auto shop as his space and sells one dollar and two dollar tickets for four plays and five hundred plays respectively. Cain also sells T-shirts for fifteen dollars that have “Cain’s Arcade” written on them. He has yet to report his income, but he has received over two hundred thousand dollars in donations. He has become the talk of the town and receives a lot of publicity from the news and radio stations around. His success is do to a video that was posted on YouTube that has gone viral. I think that it is amazing that for how young he is, he has such a strong drive and sense of creativity. It would be great to see a follow up story some day about how he took his entrepreneurial skills into the professional world.

Piper: The new way to code!

I remember when I was about 13 or 14 years old, I found an interest in coding. That is writing code on a computer for software development. However, I ran into a major issue. There weren’t many options for me to learn how to do anything spectacular. I constantly became upset because the YouTube videos I was watching did nothing for me. That is why Mark Pavlyukovskyy age 27 created Piper. “Piper is a kit that helps kids learn about coding and electronics by coding their own computer.” Forbes

This kit is able to be bought on Amazon for a fair price. It helps students to learn how to code with a hands on activity kit. This way the students stay engaged with what they are learning and they are able to put what they learn to use. The company has generated over $3 million on Amazon alone, and growing fast!

Built by kids from the inside-out

A “New Story” for the Homeless

In many cases the world’s greatest technological advances are reserved for the rich until they slowly defuse into the mass market and if the poor are lucky, they eventually have a chance to utilize them. However, New Story, a nonprofit; has paired with ICON to give the poor an exclusive first dibs on some amazing technology.

New Story + ICON have developed the capability to 3D print houses and are using this technology to build safe, affordable, and comfortable homes for the homeless around the world.  They can print 600-800 square foot homes in 24 hours for less than 4,000 dollars. The impact this can have on third world is insane. It will create safer and cleaner communities where their residents can develop to their fullest potential.

Not only is New Story a crazy cool organization, but one of its co-founders and CEO is a millennial with a crazy cool story. Brett Hagler went to college pursuing all the wrong things in life. He wanted money, fame, and women. Instead he got cancer. His fight against cancer helped him to put his life into perspective and brought him back to his Christian faith. After beating cancer he decided to follow his new passion and start an organization that actually helps people.


2016 Brett was voted a Forbes 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur and in 2018 named Top 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs by Goldman Sachs. In 2017 New Story was called one of the “Most Innovative Companies In The World,” by Fast Company. This organization is small, but has shown stunning growth and continues on a successful path. In college as Brett chased the wrong things he gained a lot of entrepreneurial experience. He used these skills and a lot of hard work to create something amazing and it is changing the world in insane ways.


Ladder Lockdown

Troy Kumprey created a Ladder Lockdown saddle after one of his employees fell from a ladder while working. Kumprey saw the dangers that normal ladders have so he wanted to create something that would make ladders safer and guarantee his employees would return to their families each night. So Kumprey created a versatile setup that accommodates extension ladders up to seven meters and most A-frames up to 1.8 meters. Ladder Lockdown is adaptable to hard soft surfaces, from concrete to wood to snow. Ladder Lockdown reduces lateral movement. Kumprey saw a problem and need that should be filled, he took a problem and created a solution. Kumprey also found a niche market for his product; construction, homeowners, and firefighters can relate to ladder safety. Ladder Lockdown saves lives and forever changed how ladders are used. Kumprey turned a dangerous tool into a safer for everyone to use. Here is a link to Ladder Lockdown website to learn more about the product, mission, and Troy Kumprey’s story:

Breaking The Status Quo: A Construction Toy for Girls


“Close your eyes and picture an engineer,” opens Debbie Sterling in her Ted Talk in 2013. She continues by asking the crowd to raise their hands for how they pictured an engineer while their eyes were closed. Hands rose for images of train drivers and nerdy men at computers, but when she asked the crowd if anyone pictured someone who looked like her- they were silent.

Debbie Sterling was born to a Jewish family in 1983 with no intention of becoming an entrepreneur. Her path didn’t intertwine with entrepreneurship until after she had received her B.S. in mechanical engineering from Stanford University in 2005. “Years later,” she says, “I did some research, and I learned that I was actually at a disadvantage. Like a lot of other girls, I had underdeveloped spatial skills. The other interesting thing I learned was that kids who scored better on spatial skills tests, grew up playing with construction toys.”

Sterling took this new knowledge, her engineering degree, and pursued a solution to the problem of the lack of females in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (also referred to as STEM). She quit her job and spent months working out of her apartment on a construction toy for targeted to girls but was faced with resistance from investors. “They whispered to me a well-known industry secret: construction toys for girls don’t sell, and they took me by the arm and showed me what does sell- the pink isle.”

So how does someone overcome the culture that has previously been established for the past century? Sterling knew that things didn’t have to be the way they always were but saw that girls get easily bored when playing with construction toys. When she asked what they do enjoy, the young girls responded that they love to read. It was this discovery that led her to create GoldieBlocks, the world’s first female engineering character that is teaching young girls around the world that they can be more than a princess.

GoldieBlocks combines the narrative that little girls love with construction and building toys. Girls can build with Goldie and as a result develop both their verbal and spatial skills. Sterling did what nobody else thought to- she took a toy that had been historically targeted for boys and re-imagined it for girls. Her idea is revolutionary because it’s not just taking an idea and targeting a new market, she is equipping young girls with the tools they need to develop their spatial skills in an enjoyable way. She didn’t just accept that little girls aren’t interested in those type of toys, she bridged the gap between girls and engineering. Despite the resistance she faced, her company has since flourished. According to Forbes’s 40 Under 40: “[GoldieBlox] has had more than 1 million app downloads and more than 1 million toys sold across more than 6,000 major retailers worldwide.”

As a female studying and pursuing both engineering and entrepreneurship, what Sterling did is what I strive to be able to do one day. She broke the status quo by becoming an engineer as a female, and she broke it again when she took a “boy’s toy” and redesigned it for girls. She is using her engineering skill set to help other girls discover a love for building and creating.

Debbie Sterling is more than an engineer and an entrepreneur; she’s a world changer, and although her business was originally meant to inspire little girls, it’s inspired me to use my passion for STEM to make a difference for girls like me.