Mariano Arruda, better known as Squishy to the Rocket League community, has created a unique kind of business for himself. Arruda provides a unique skill set to his viewers across multiple platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram.
Arruda plays at the highest level Rocket League has to offer and people love to watch it. Averaging 400 new followers every day on Twitch and 600 subscribers each day on YouTube, Arruda provides content that no one else could provide. From YouTube and Twitch, according to SocialBlade, he generates near $100,000 per year in earnings. This excludes any prize money winnings he would receive for competing in top level world tournaments (around $29,000 per year) and any sponsorship money he receives from his eSport organization, Cloud9 (these earnings are confidential and not reported). His total earnings flowing well past $100,000 each year from each income source.
Arruda, age 17, shows young entrepreneurs that they can become successful if they find their niche and work hard at it. Arruda begins his journey to success by winning DreamHack Atlanta 2017 with his own, unsigned team “The Muffin Men”. Arruda and his teammates were offered to sign with major eSport organization, Cloud9 where his career took off. Since then, Arruda and his team has placed in the top 4 finalist for every major tournament collecting $123,750 for his team and organization. Squishy, Mariano Arruda, exemplifies what it means to be a young entrepreneur by providing high level competitive showcases to viewers of all types.