Archive for Dick’s Sporting Goods

Dude Perfect; A Multimillion Dollar Business

Dude perfect is a YouTube channel that many of us have grown up with. From the trick shot videos to the stereotype episodes, Dude Perfect never fails to entertain people of all ages.
This athletic and creative group of friends started out as a few college students doing trick shots in their backyard. One video quickly collected millions of views, and using their platform of fast-growing fame, they didn’t stop at making videos. Now they have launched different product lines and continue to develop their brand and video style.

How Dude Perfect turned a trick-shot YouTube channel into a sports ...
One thing about Dude Perfect that is unique is they have never lost track of their original brand look and identity which is why viewers love them.

They now have Streaming Platform which is advertised as family friendly content perfect for all ages. They’ve been intentional about sports industry involvement and have a share of the premier league football club. This connects them to digital content creation and traditional sports. Dude Perfect goes on tours that sell out extremely fast. These live tours are fun for their fans and are an opportunity for growing their fan base. They recently announced their plans for Dude Perfect World, this ambitious project will have trick shots and games in person.

Dude Perfect's Plan To Build $100 Million HQ Leaves People Baffled
Dude Perfect is so successful because of their reliable authenticity. This is a lesson for entrepreneurs to stay committed to their passion and principles in their vision for their business or idea.
The Dude Perfect group has also exemplified great innovative principles, they constantly look for new opportunities in the developing society and technology. They successfully balance this with staying true to their authenticity. They show us not to be afraid to imagine the seemingly crazy or impossible but to pursue opportunities with courage and strategy.

Alex de Bernede and Marius Jacob, Founders of the Darmo Art Gallery


When you think of art collectors, what comes to mind? Is it some eccentric billionaire business man or old recluse in a fortress sized mansion? This often accurate stereotype has lead plenty of younger people to believe that the art world is exclusionary and for those with more money than they know what to do with. Enter Alex de Bernede and Marius Jacob, two young entrepreneurs with the goal to challenge this perception. While studying art in university, these two aspiring artists realized that for the creation and appreciation of art to survive, the up and coming generations need to not only understand and enjoy art, they need to be able to make a career of it. With the increasing difficulty for new artist’s to find platforms for their work, Bernede and Jacob decided to do something new. This idea has become the Darmo Art Gallery, a place for young artists to display their works. The duo started with only $2,000 and a goal, but now, they host highly successful expositions where these indie artists can make some serious money and a name for themselves. A lot of famous artists only get that fame after their life or art career ends. Artists like Vincent Van Gogh and Johannes Vermeer never received the fame and monetary recognition their works earned within their lifetimes, while figures like Pablo Picasso are the exception. If new institutions like the Dormer Gallery become a common and successful part of the art world, then what is usually seen as a past time for the rich or a career for those doomed to obscurity may rise up to join the likes of lawyers, plumbers, and computer tech as common and successful vocations.

Edward Stack: Making the Tough Decisions for Dick’s Sporting Goods

Edward Stack, CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods, has been running the Sporting Goods store after receiving control from his father. He has had to make many tough decisions throughout the course of his career as CEO. However, one of the most prominent decisions he has had to make was following the shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida. Stack learned that the shooter who killed 17 people at the high school had bought a shotgun from his store, he realized that he wanted to make a change to the way his business was run. It did not matter to him that the shooter had not used the gun in his attack.

Stack went to his financial adviser and said that there needed to changes made to the company. Among many changes, Stack made sure not to sell anymore semi-automatic assault style rifles or sell any weapon to people under the age of 21. The financial officer was very hesitant at this proposal because it seemed as though the company would take a large financial hit from this change. However, Stack was adamant about his decision.

As a CEO, Stack did not draw much attention to himself until this change was made. After the amendment to what his company sold concerning weapons was made, he received many calls to appear on talk shows. His stance on weapons did not change throughout this ordeal. He repeated that “we needed to take a stand”. After all of this happened, revenue did drop for Dick’s Sporting Goods. In addition, there was a good amount of push back and criticism for the decision that Stack and his people made, but it did not phase him.

I think that we can learn a lot from Stack’s decision. As an entrepreneur, you need to stick to what you believe in no matter what the adversity. Stack realized that he did not want his company to be the cause of any violence and he believed that firmly. He made the changes that he saw necessary and refused to look back. I think that we should take this entrepreneurial story as we begin to envision and create, so that we can stay true to our core values.