Archive for fiscal sponsorships

Young Entrepreneurs: Sanil Chawla

Sanil Chawla, 19

Sanil Chawla is the founder of Hack+, a nonprofit to help young entrepreneurs easily move through the barriers presented by all the legal hurdles when starting a business. Sanil, a young entrepreneur himself realized through personal experience that there are so many legal obstacles to maneuver that it makes it intimidating and frustrating to get started.

To solve this problem, Sanil developed software that would create an automated process for all the legal paperwork needed to begin a nonprofit venture. When Hack+ was launched, the primary purpose was to provide a fiscal sponsor to charitable organizations that are being developed by students. Large companies like Amazon and Google have come alongside Sanil to help provide resources for the company that is directed to students which include business to business assistance. Sanil has garnered over $1 million with his team of 12 and has helped almost 1,000 students with his company.

Sanil has created an amazing tool for young entrepreneurs, there are so many young entrepreneurs with wonderful ideas. However, not many students have the resources or knowledge to get through all the legal paperwork and processes needed to get started on sharing their mission with others. This is a wonderful example of innovation, Sanil saw a gap that needed to be filled. He developed a company that provided a service for students that wasn’t offered anywhere else and made it accessible.

An entrepreneurial trait seen in Sanil is that his motivation was not found in profit. He started a nonprofit venture to help students launch their own nonprofit ventures. We see that Sanil’s motivation is found in service to others and seeking to push others toward success. Sanil presents a model for entrepreneurs starting any venture, what is your motivation? Sanil created a service that truly served its purpose, opening the door for entrepreneurship in young students.