It’s about time somebody solved the cry-baby soccer epidemic.
For far too long, we have watched soccer players grovel in pain to show referees just how “terrible” it is to have contact with another player in this world-famous sport. Well, no more.
There’s a new game in town.
And it’s called Bubble Soccer. Or if you’re not from the US, Bubble Football. This game was developed by Lee Moseley, a asbestos surveyor who, as a young man, gave up his day job to pursue his unique idea.
It’s a pretty simple concept: the game is played just like regular soccer, except with each player wearing a PVC plastic “bubble” that protects the head and upper body, allowing for unique and hilarious contact throughout the game.
Lee Moseley’s company wasn’t started easily. He knew how he wanted create these suits, but investors didn’t believe the idea would take off. So, with the help and support from his wife, Moseley financed the entire operation himself, basing it in the UK. The determination he showed through this risky venture was one of the key reasons for his success. The idea began to spur interest in people. Many are attracted to this more lighthearted style of soccer, and it has been used at parties, corporations (as a team-building exercise), and various other unique venues in addition to more normal sports scenarios. Now, he services events all across the UK, and several other versions of his product have sprouted up around the world.
Moseley’s comments about this product reflect his spirit in making his business. “We have had a overwhelming response to the game and everybody who has taken part has really enjoyed themselves. It’s not something that I think I’ll ever get bored of doing either, as just watching people play is hilarious.”
Here is a man who believes in his business. That is the sign of a great entrepreneur.