Rob Rhinehart demonstrates that no cultural construct or product is safe from being re-imagined and innovated by an Entrepreneur. His victim? The traditional meal.
You may not be convinced at first, but have you ever missed a meal? Eaten something you regretted in while under the effects of hunger? While everyone recognizes this problem, they may not see it as something that could even be solved. Rob Rhinehart thought differently.
By introducing a meal supplement to the market, Soylent simplifies the lives of people who just don’t think about food. Even if that doesn’t describe you, Soylent’s ingredients may change your mind.
With plant based protein, 21 slow burning fats and 26 different vitamins and minerals, this meal replacement fills your food void in a smarter way than fast food or other animal based replacments.
Soylent’s innovation doesn’t stop with remagining meals but extends to the food industry at large. Rhinehart started with an idea to serve customers and ended up impacting the environment of food products on the way.
Earth’s population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and feeding that many people will require a 70% increase in food production.* With 38% of land already used for agriculture** and 41 million people in America alone struggling with food insecurity, finding solutions to our food access concerns cannot be ignored.
For those reasons, here at Soylent, we want to change the way people look at food. That’s why we are pro-science and pro-GMO. GMOs are a safe, economic option for sustainable food production, they cut down on food waste, time spent growing food, and resources used.
You can read more about what Soylent is, where to get it and why to drink it on their website.