Archive for Food – Page 14

Dashed- The Fastest Delivery Possible

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Dashed is a restaurant delivery service that was started in 2009. Phil Dumontet began this company with one goal in mind, to create the fastest delivery possible. Dumontet saw the need for delivery services in many of the Boston restaurants and he believed partnering with these restaurants, to deliver their food, would be profitable. Seven years ago he began delivering from one restaurant and today he has partnered with more than 800 restaurants to provide insanely fast delivery. Dashed achieved its fast delivery by creating a fleet of 12 electric cars, and some bikes, which would by used by athletes to deliver the food. Dashed increased the speed of its delivery by creating a competitive environment for its employees. Dumontet promised bonuses to the fastest deliverers. Not only has this company done well for itself but it brings an average of $2,000 in new sales to the companies they help deliver. Today Dashed has expanded to include Baltimore,  New Haven, Philadelphia, Providence and Washington, DC. Dumontet and his team hope to continue to expand into new cities as new restaurants choose to partner with their services. Dashed averages a sub 40 minute delivery time and this includes deliveries even in the big cities that often have the most traffic. As long as you want your food between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. Dashed will deliver to you.

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A man with a dream and a bike started delivering food seven years ago, and has now created a company with 122 employees. Today Dumontet’s company is worth over 7.5 million dollars and is only going to be worth more as it expands into new cities.

Hello Alfred

Watering plants, dry cleaning, shoe repair, furniture assembly, stocking the fridge, dog care, prescriptions, gluten-free snacks, home cleaning, dishes, gift shopping and returns.

These and many more are some of the weekly tasks nearly every individual living on his or her own is responsible for. These things take time. Time that for those who have families and busy work schedules wish they had free to spend with their kids or friends to relax or go to the gym or to get more pressing things done.

29 year old Marcela Sapone and her co-founder Jessica Beck, Harvard Business School grads, realized this when they first hired someone to come to their apartment weekly to take care of those mundane tasks that take up so much time. Then they turned it into a business called Hello Alfred.

Hello Alfred is an app that matches you with a carefully vetted personal butler who visits your home each week to handle the tasks you don’t want to do for just $32 a week (or $58 to visit 2x a week).


A.J. & Christina C. are Legal Professionals

“There is a sense of peace and calm when you walk into your home and everything is put away. Having your groceries already in the fridge is incredible. No other service does it this way.”

Their Alfred list: Returns, Home Cleaning, Dry Cleaning

James M. career is Real Estate Finance

“I’ve used Alfred for a year. It’s freed up my weekends. Rather than spending Saturday running errands, I go to brunch with friends, sleep in, or go to the gym.”

His Alfred List: Dry Cleaning, gift shopping, home cleaning


Love Knows No Language

Image result for katie davisAlthough she didn’t attend Grove City College, Katie Davis is as much a Grover as any of us. She was her senior class president and homecoming queen; she had a fantastic group of friends and loving parents who supported her and wanted her to get a great education to prepare her for a successful career. Unlike most of us though, Katie did not attend college after she graduated high school. Instead, she moved to Uganda to teach kindergarten.

Many of her friends and family thought she was crazy, but Katie knew she was following God’s call. That doesn’t mean that there weren’t difficult days. Katie experienced numerous struggles and trials that first year, including a language barrier between her and her students. Although this was one of Katie’s biggest challenges initially, she found that even though people may not be able to understand each other through language, they understand a smile or a hug- they understand love. In her words, “love knows no language.”

But how is Katie an entrepreneur? Teaching kindergarten in Africa hardly seems entrepreneurial.

After learning that many children in Uganda are unable to attend school because of the fees that the schools require, Katie started a sponsorship program to connect orphaned and vulnerable children with sponsors. For $300 a year-less than $1 a day- a sponsor not only sends a child to school, but also provides school supplies, 3 hot meals every day, spiritual discipleship, and medical care for the child. Through this program alone, Katie has made a difference in the lives of over 700 children.

When the initial sponsorship program took off, Katie realized that she could help the Ugandan people in numerous other ways. In 2008 Katie founded Amazima Ministries International to “meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the people of Uganda who need it most.” Through this non-profit, Katie has started a feeding outreach to one of the slums in her area, a classical Christian secondary boarding school, a self-sustaining vocational program for women, a medical outreach, and a farming outreach all in addition to the initial education sponsorship program. Image result for kisses from katie book cover

Katie recorded her story in her book called Kisses From Katie. I first read this book four years ago at the suggestion of a missionary to Zambia, and Katie’s story and accomplishments continue to inspire me.

Oh, and did I mention that Katie also adopted 13 Ugandan children? But this blog post is already long enough, so just go check out the Amazima website to read more about Katie and everything that Amazima is accomplishing in Uganda!

Olan Rogers

Olan Rogers is best known for his personality. Because, quite simply, personality what he conveys most through all that he does. While Olan Rogers was  best known for his comedic stories he tells on his YouTube channel, his personality shines through all the many other projects he has started.


Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Olan rogers started his video blog series back in 2010 after graduating from the University of Memphis with Bachelor’s in Communication and Visual Arts. Since, starting his youtube channel, it has accumulated quite a subscriber base in the past six years. This is mostly due to his charming and hilarious story-telling videos that have gone viral multiple times. However, this is not all that his YouTube channel provides. In addition to stories and short, comedic sketches, his channel also hosts his feature length indie professional films recognized by such as Pop Rocket and New Prime.

Additionally, Rogers has launched his own clothing supply store where he sells merchandise related to his video content as well as apparel displaying art or clever sayings. Since launching his online clothing store, Rogers also opened The Soda Parlor, a store that provides a welcoming and chill atmosphere, selling apparel, artisan sodas, and floats. The Soda Parlor is located in Nashville and a second location will be opening later this Fall.



Beginning in 2017, Olan Rogers will be starting production on three more film projects under his newest project, Battle Bear Productions LLC. Under Battle Bear, Olan will provide animated tv shows as well as continuations of other film projects that he has started on his YouTube channel.

Feel free to check out his content below!

How To Cake It: A Sweet Business Idea

1430491ed0ba289134cb2033b20500e1As a communications major, I have been wondering if there are millennials out there who have used entertainment routes to start their business. YouTube, though known for popular cat videos, has created an outlet for entrepreneurs to express their niche in the community and get a following. Through ads and merchandise, many of these youtubers have been able to make a living off a once purely entertainment field. A rising youtuber, by the name of Yolanda Gampp, (probably known by her business as “How To Cake It”) has been growing in popularity within the past year. Yolanda, a self-taught baker after her father, has been posting YouTube videos about how to make really cool cake designs…and when I say really cool…I mean realistic to the point that it’s crazy to think it’s cake! I happen to follow her on YouTube and have enjoyed watching every video her team has posted over the past year. Yolanda also customizes her own tee-shirts (a different tee-shirt for every cake she makes) along with other merchandise that can be sold at Yolanda and her team work to produce high quality weekly videos, and just recently How To Cake It won a Webby Award for Best Online Film and Video How-to &

As a mere 32 year old from Canada, Yolanda has created a business that many have grasped on to (Over 2 million subscribers to How To Cake It, and those numbers continue to grow). My hope for Yolanda and her team is to watch them grow in success, and I wait in anticipation to see what other amazing ideas they put forward into the world. Yolanda is a big inspiration to me. As a communications major, YouTube is an amazing outlet to start a career… but me just as a person, I look and I see Yolanda succeeding at her line of work, because she found something she loved. Her business is great because it combines that aesthetic appeal people crave, and also a unique skill that only she has perfected. She is innovative in her techniques for creating different cake pieces, and her skill is what has captured many people’s intrigue. A degree does not define her, but instead an entertaining and respectable mindset. That is what makes her a millennial entrepreneur. Anyone can make a cake. I can make a cake! But few can turn a cake into a watermelon with such great detail and creativity. Her personality is also fantastic, which leaves me as the viewer, always hungry for more. Check out the link and let me know what you guys think!


IHOP Pancakes Delivered? Why not!

Picture this…It is 10pm, dinner was five hours ago. You have about 4 hours of work standing between you and sweet, sweet sleep. You could really go for some pancakes. Maybe some fresh IHOP ones? If only they delivered. Well, now you just might be in luck! DASH, a new start-up created by 28 year old Phil Dumontet operates out of only 7 cities currently. It provides the fastest delivery from the best restaurants who don’t have their own delivery services. They promise to deliver in under 40 minutes. Some of the restaurants include:

Dashed offers service available exclusively on Foodler. Founded in 2009 with 1 biker & 1 restaurant, the company has grown to be the leading restaurant delivery service in the Northeast, serving over 800 top-rated restaurants that wouldn’t otherwise offer delivery across Boston, Providence, New Haven, Hoboken & Jersey City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC. Dashed is the first service of its kind to offer full delivery & marketing services for its restaurant partners, so restaurants can focus on what they should: taking care of in-house customers. The company has been showered with awards and acclaims over the years which are only growing.


Parker’s Maple

As an 11 year old, Joshua Parker took a school field trip that would change the rest of his life. That trip fashioned a passion for maple syrup that could not be quelled in Joshua. Four years later, he turned that passion into a business that is thriving today, Parker’s Maple. Parker’s Maple produces real maple syrup, real maple butter, and real maple cotton candy. In 2015, Joshua Parker was interviewed by Glenn Beck on his nationally syndicated radio show and six months later Parker’s Maple products could be found in over 500 stores in 50 states and four countries. parkers-maple-2

Joshua Parker took a passion that developed at a young age and turned that into a company with a unique product and a unique passion. Today, Parker’s Maple is becoming more well known and will be appearing on the nationally televised TV show, Shark Tank. With the help of Glenn Beck and publicity like Shark Tank as well as the growing consumer demand for real maple, Parker’s Maple will continue to grow exponentially into the future. parkers-maple-3

Better Than a Lemonade Stand

When I was about 15 years old, the town of Falmouth in Cape Cod decided to replace an old train track with a biking trail that extended several miles to Woods Hole, a popular tourist hot spot. That summer I ventured from my family’s summer home to see what the new bike trail had to offer in places I had never seen due to overgrown weeds – and that was how I met Patrick. Patrick was only 14, yet already had a summer business that was raking in hundreds annually to go toward his future college tuition.

Patrick’s parents had made it clear at a young age that if he wanted to go to college, he was going to have to start saving early because they couldn’t afford the debt. His home was on an average Falmouth road – quiet and lazy, yet also bustling in the summer with people biking or walking to the beach. At the age of 12, he borrowed $1,000 to purchase a high quality shaved ice making machine and flavoring, and set up a table at the side of the road to sell shaved ice to the passerbys. It didn’t take long for the revenue to start flowing like water, and he gained regular customers who would specifically travel down his road to purchase his shaved ice. When Falmouth ripped out the railroad in favor of the trail, his business exploded. By the time I met him, his table had become a semi-permanent booth that boasted the shaved ice machine, dozens of flavors, fresh squeezed lemonade, other refreshments like Gatorade and Sprite, and even had a shady section off to the side with benches and tables. The bike trail brought a boom of tourists and natives from other towns, and he had already saved several thousand dollars when I first met him.

One thing I truly admired was his commitment to his original goal of saving the money for his future tuition. He was already a levelheaded businessman at the young age of 14, and the vast majority of his revenue went straight into his savings instead of his pockets. It was brilliant for him to realize at age 12 that virtually no one sold shaved ice in our area and in the surrounding towns, and he was able to capitalize on that advantage very quickly before others caught on and did the same. While I haven’t seen Patrick in a few years, I am quite confident that his business is still there, improving, and thriving during the hot Cape Cod summers.

Ethan Holmes

Ethan is the CEO of Holmes Mouthwatering Applesauce. The company was started when Ethan was still in college and has recently been gaining distribution and financial support. Ethan has had many failures in his young life, as he attempted to start multiple ventures. He started with a candy bar idea, and realized people want something healthy- he then started selling his family’s special applesauce, and it was a hit. The applesauce is all natural and incorporates apple cider and fresh fruit into the recipe.

He is a classic example of someone who started their own business in their home kitchen by just experimenting. He tweaked the recipe countless times and used his own savings for a start up. The way his applesauce is made and packaged appeals to people of this time, as people especially in the millennial generation want things that are home brewed. He plans to have other students help him get his brand off the ground.

A man with a deeply rooted desire for success, seems to have found it. Only time will tell if Ethans’ applesauce can compete with big name companies and their endless resources.

Food on Foot Tours

Food on Foot TourI am traveling to New York City in February during Grove City’s winter break. As I was researching top things to do in NYC, I stumbled upon Corey Taylor’s Food on Foot Tours. Corey Taylor is a Brooklyn native who was laid off his job at Cablevision. After losing his job, he started giving food tours to his friends. Being a resident of New York City, Taylor knew all the best local places. With his friends’ encouragement, Taylor began his company Food on Foot Tours. On Taylor’s tours, you travel like New Yorkers, so you go by subway and foot. He takes you to places for pizza, pastrami, Chinese, etc. The surprising part of his tour is that all the restaurants are kept secret and each tour is unique. His business began to take off and became #2 out of 828 attractions in NYC on Trip Advisor. The Food on Foot Tour is also the only New York City tour to make Trip Advisor’s top 10 list beating out Ben and Jerry’s ice cream tour in Vermont and Coca-Cola tours in Atlanta. Taylor’s passion has always been food and now he can show off the best of his city’s food every day.