Archive for Horticulture

Floral Farm

Have you ever wanted to create your own flower bouquets? 

      Camden Kidwell is the leading example of a young entrepreneur. He is a recent homeschool high school graduate and instead of going to college this fall he took the entire spring and summer to create his own flower farm and bouquet business. He started Swallowdale Flowers in June of 2021, and named the business after swallows which nest in his family’s barn. Swallowdale Flowers is unlike any florist business due to the fact that the customers can walk around Camden’s garden and create their own bouquets using his flowers. He has provided his customers with the ability for them to customize their own bouquets, which is unlike any other flower farm or floral business since the vast majority offers only premade bouquet arrangements. He does make bouquets though, on a weekly basis which he sells at 6ixNorth, a local artisanal craft store in his hometown. Another unique feature is that he runs his business from home – outside – where customers can be in nature and experience what it is like to be on a farm.

      Additionally, Camden has recently been asked by a local event planning company to collaborate with them on a wedding. An acquaintance asked Camden to make a corsage for his homecoming date at the local high school. Camden continues to grow his business and network through his community. He is an example of why one does not need to earn a degree to become an entrepreneur. Swallowdale Flowers is the definition of a startup business, because he never received any help beyond that from his father. Camden Kidwell’s story shows us that all it takes to become an entrepreneur is a willingness to be disciplined, take risks and have an imagination. He is an inspiration and a role-model. 

Please find Swallowdale Flowers on Social Media:

GreenWorx Landscaping – The Work Ethic

It all began in Golden, Colorado when R.J. Duarte was eight years old and started cutting grass for his family and neighbors. It was at a young age that Duarte first learned the value of hard work and the power that determination has to fuel success. Work ethic is one of the most effective qualities to have within any workplace, and Duarte embodies this trait. In 2008, Duarte used his ambitions alone to create a small business for himself that he could use to make money in preparation he knew was already full of success and was efficiently bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Green Worx’s business was booming while he was in high school and there was no reason, not even college, for him to throw it all away. With this, he went to work reframing his business model and projecting future growth inclusive of some model changes. He repositioned his goals for Green Worx and turned a high-volume, small-client business into a premium landscaping-­and-maintenance company that would pose more of a risk, but allowed for the potential of a much higher reward.

He made the right decision in doing this, and today Green Worx operates four trucks and a peak-season crew of a dozen-plus people. When Duarte made the big decision to stick with Green Worx and skip out on college, people questioned him extensively. They always ask, even to this day, “How’s college going R.J.?” and he just tells them the truth. He is a hardworking person who gives jobs to other hard-working people. This sort of question has R.J. saying, “They [society] want(s) to hear about your degree, not your company.” An important question to consider is this: What is more valuable in life, having a piece of paper recognizing four years of effort you put into it, or, a lifetime of hard work and dedication to the success and growth of a business that you have poured your heart into? Well, both are valuable, but one is entrepreneurial, the other, not so much.
R.J. is not only a man of notable work ethic and ambition but an entrepreneur.

He took a risk, he innovated the process in which Green Worx landscaping does their job, he continues to grow in annual revenue, and he undertakes challenges. R.J. proves that you can very well make $750,000.00 a year on ambition, determination, and work ethic alone, any college degree aside. Entrepreneurs are people who undertake challenges as a means to a successful end, and R.J. Duarte undertook.