Although peter Rahal is 31 years old now when he started his protein bar company he was only 21 years old. Peter Rahal founded rxBar which is a protein bar made with all natural ingredients and no preservatives. He started making rxBars in his mother’s basement because he couldn’t find a protein bar that was natural and made with clean ingredients. He started the company back in 2017 with 10,000 dollars to spend and the bars became a big hit. What really makes rxBar and Peter Rahal so special is that he just recently sold his company to Kellogg’s for 600 million dollars. when asked how all the major protein bar companies missed the wave that is crossing America for all natural foods Rahal responded by saying, “within the consumer packaged food industry trends move fast so it is hard for major companies to move supply chains, so the entrepreneur is able to move fast and be agile to supply the consumer with what they want.” I believe that this is true across all industries and is where the entrepreneur is at the advantage over the big corporations and companies. The speed at which entrepreneurs can give the consumer what they want is truly their edge on their competitors because as the first rule of marketing stats if you are not first you are last.