Archive for jewelery

Diamonds from Ashes

Adelle Archer

Adelle Archer, co-f0under of Eterneva, allows the remembrance of past loved ones to live on. If you have ever lost a beloved friend, family member, or pet, you can relate to Adelle’s story. She realized that there are not a lot of good memorial options after she lost someone very close and special to her, so she created Eterneva. As more and more people in the U.S. begin to get cremated, Adelle wanted to give people a better way to eternalize their loved ones and celebrate their lives, so she created real diamonds from the carbon in ashes. The diamonds are made into jewelry like rings and necklaces, customized to your loved one. Behind every diamond made is a beautiful story of someone or a pet.

Adelle has shown the drive of an entrepreneur. Her company was named Consumer Startup of the Year by the Stevie Awards, featured on Shark Tank, featured on both Inc and Forbes coveted ’30 Under 30′ lists. As an entrepreneur, she recognizes that there are many ideas floating throughout her mind all day, and it’s hard to keep track of them all, so she resulted to journaling every morning, and advises others do that as well. Along with that, she advises younger entrepreneurs to lean into community early, nothing is done by yourself. I think this is great advice, it aligns with Grove City and what we implement as well, community is so important!

Adelle is such an inspiration to me! She provides so much great information and I really love the idea of Eterneva. She went through something tragic, but like someone who has an entrepreneurial mind, found a problem and made something good come out of it. I’m a jewelry person and would definitely invest in a diamond from her company and would recommend this to many others.