Archive for Kids – Page 2

TeaCakes by Chloe


At a certain age, parents decide it’s time to start teaching their children how to be responsible with their money, and learn how to value costly items. The best way to teach a child to value money, is to make them work for it. I’m sure most of us remember our first big purchase, for me it was the iPod touch, a whopping $200. In the eyes of a 7-year-old, this may as well be $1,000. Chloe Smith, a 7-year-old girl from Louisana, desperately begged her parents for an electric scooter; her parents, wanting to turn this into a learning experience, told her that she would need to earn the money herself. This meant that she has to come up with $249 herself. Unlike many her age, this was no big feat for Chloe and her entrepreneurial mind.

With the help of her nana, Kathy Phelps, the two started baking family recipes and selling them to the locals. Chloe’s business rapidly grew, and her teacakes could be found in small shops around town.  She networked through family members; specifically her Uncle Larry in Australia, who’s coworkers wanted Chloe’s TeaCakes. Eventually, TeaCakes by Chloe was an international business. Not only were her cakes delicious, but each package had a personalized hand-drawn label. Without realizing it, Chloe became a marketer, entrepreneur, and successful business woman in a little less than a month.

Chloe’s grandma believes that this business not only got her the electric scooter, but also showed her that “you have to work for money” and be patient. This experience also helped Chloe in her academics, as she read all the recipes herself and measured the ingredients. Chloe’s business was no ‘one-hit-wonder’ as she plans on continuing baking even after college. “When I get about 20-years-old,” Chloe she says that she wants to open up her own TeaCake Shop.

TeaCake’s by Chloe serves as an inspiration to many other young entrepreneurs. All it takes is dedication and follow through. If Chloe decided that $249 was impossible to raise, then it would be impossible. Having faith in yourself and your work is the first big step in becoming a successful business. Sometimes older entrepreneurs get too obsessed with the fine details, and they overthink things to the point where the passion is no longer there. Chloe’s business goes to show that we all could benefit from doing a little less thinking, and a lot more doing.

Made in LA: 7-year-old entrepreneur starts baking business (

Bianchi Candle Co.

There are many things that people enjoy and one common thing is candles. Candles can come in all different scents, wicks, and ingredients. These things make each candle unique, and an all natural soy candle handed poured in Papillion, NE, Italy is definitely unique.

Nic Bianchi received a candle making kit on his twelfth birthday and was hooked from that point on. He Nic Bianchi, Bianchi Candle Company, with a few of his products.kept on creating all natural soy candles and soon afterwards, he introduced his candle business, Bianchi Candle Company. The company did not come as a surprise to his parents because if you rewind to Nic’s younger years, you would be impressed with the young boy. During elementary school, Nic would sell toys to his classmates at recess. Later, he upgraded his little toy business with a catalog and everything was sold with a logo of his creation.  He even went the next step and employed two other children as sales reps to help him with his toy business at school. His eagerness to be an entrepreneur expanded as he entered his candle company. The candle making process is more complex than most people think. Besides having a passion for entrepreneurship, Nic enjoys the math and science subjects which is a bonus in his candle making. Much thought goes into the ratios of ingredients and the sizing of the wick to ensure a longer burn and elements of the jar and label will matter in the process since the heat of the flame could destroy them.

Bianchi Candle Company has launched many candles for different occasions or purposes. TheBianchi Candle Company motivational candle, Yes You Can candle, and the Bianchi Candle Co, purely luxurious candles, are two of the most popular brands of candles that the company sells. All the candles are natural and without any dyes causing them to be purely white, which when his last name is translated from Italian, it means white. Nic’s story is inspiring for me because he followed his passion which brought him into the world of business.

You can visit Bianchi Candle Company website here.

Nannies by Noa: The Unique Nanny Service

      Noa Mintz is a fascinating and truly inspiring millennial entrepreneur, who is currently a senior at Brown University. She grew up in the Upper West Side in Manhattan; at the age of 12 she created her own business, “Nannies by Noa”, which is currently a member of the Association of Premier Nanny Agencies. Her business serves affluent NYC families seeking well-educated and well-trained nannies on a regular basis. There are many different positions for the nannies ranging from part-time after school babysitting, to full-time 40 hours per week, Monday through Fridays.  

    According to a CNN Business article, Mintz’s idea came to her after her mother told her to “find a better babysitter.” Since Mintz didn’t like her own babysitter, she started looking for another one and later helped her friends find nannies too. She designed a thorough application process and started interviewing people for nanny positions. 

    Nannies by Noa’s application process is extensive. Understandably the application process requires multiple background checks, drug testing, but also includes three years in-home childcare experience requirement, two childcare employment references, a resume, an interview, and the requirement to be able to commit for at least one year. For example, there are a couple of active positions where some families have requested the nannies to speak French fluently. In many instances healthcare is also paid for by the families, which is unlike other major nanny services in the New York City area. Also, some families make arrangements for the nanny to have four weeks off for a vacation as well as the major federal holidays. Mintz has created a variety of different positions and services to best accommodate nannies as well as the families. 

   Nannies by Noa continues to thrive; even as Mintz is finishing up her last year studying Cognitive Neuroscience at Brown University, she continues to manage her childhood business. 

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Project “I am” -Jahkil Jackson

Project “I am “was started by a nine year old Jahkil Jackson in Chicago. Jackson helped his aunt distribute cans of food to the homeless in Chicago which sparked his own idea. The I Am project is a non-profit and shares a goal to help to the homeless in the world that are in need to his coined terms as ‘Blessing Bags.’ These consisted of deodorant, wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bottled water, granola bars and more. Jackson’s small business quickly grew, and he has impacted more than 50,o00 lives of the homeless around the world. Atlanta, Virginia, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Idaho and many more states in the U.S. have been greatly impacted by his generosity and care. There has also been a worldly impact where the blessing bags have been sent to many countries in Africa, and South America for special relief packages after natural disasters.

Jackson is really emphasizing the need for donations that go towards project I Am, so they can continue to make an impact around the world. He encourages everyone to be able to see the importance of helping out can make in your community. I AM thankful for my many blessings 🙏🏽 including @walmart for believing in my mission. This donation will help make over 500 blessong bags for those in need. #walmart #endhomelessness #BeTheChange #YouthDoItBetter #JahkilJackson #DontWaitToBeGreat

While Jackson had a lot of help from his family in the idea of helping others, he took that idea and pivoted to make a bigger idea. This is very inspiring, because Jackson saw that there was a need for the homeless that was unfulfilled. Instead of just handing out money, Jackson knew he wanted to make a real life impact by giving them the opportunity for staying healthy and clean as they go through difficult times. Jackson was acknowledged by former president, Barack Obama as well for his efforts in 2017 and featured on Cartoon-Network and many other platforms. This helped a lot with networking and getting his message out there for the public to understand the mission.

Raelynn Heath: Rae’s Materials

Raelynn Heath is an 8-year-old girl from Missouri who started her own jewelry business at the age of 4. She specializes at making bracelets which she sells on Facebook and Etsy. Raelynn was recently featured in the “1 Million Cups Black Entrepreneurship Showcase” on Feb. 2

8, 2018, at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Raelynn started making her bracelets out of plastic but upgraded to using acrylic and bubblegum beads when she was 5, and even uses materials like polymer clay. Raelynn also enjoys upcycling items such as chip bags, duct tape rolls, and old clothes. Raelynn’s business is unique because she has a generous purpose in creating most of her work. She gives bracelets to community members who have experienced recent trauma. Her big heart is a motivating factor of her business. Rae’s Materials is also unique because Raelynn has created this business at such a young age. Being able to create these bracelets at the age of four is a special talent, and it is amazing that she is using her talent to help those in need.

Raelynn hopes to increase her business to other areas of fashion as well but knows that school is her first priority at the moment. She hopes to study in Paris someday and get a degree in fashion. It is impressive that Raelynn has such a clear idea of how she wants her future business to expand at such a young age. Raelynn’s mom is in the process of helping her get a business license for Rae’s Materials, and her mom suspects that she could be on her way to a millionaire at age 16. Raelynn’s hopeful outlook and creativity has gotten her far in her entrepreneurial journey, and she will continue to grow her jewelry business using her great skill.


The 50 Youngest Entrepreneurs in the US |

8-year-old Raytown entrepreneur strings together jewelry business (

Gus’s Eats & Treats

Picture a beautiful, clear, sunny, summer day at Merrymeeting Lake in New Hampshire. You are relaxing on a rock and soaking up the sun by a dock and can see the lush green trees in the distance on the other side of the lake. There is a slight breeze that make the tree leaves quiver. The birds are cheerfully chirping. What could be better? Well, Gus Schoenbucher knew how to perfect the scene. As you are enjoying yourself by the dock, you realize that you are hungry. Thankfully, Gus pulls up in his boat with a variety of food products to sell. Your day is topped with a hot dog and ice cream from Gus’s Eats & Treats.

May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

Gus Schoenbucher is a fourteen-year-old boy from a small town in New Hampshire. His brilliant idea of an ice cream truck in boat form, came from his dad bringing back memories from his childhood when he used to sell ice cream on the lake where he grew up. The business has even deeper ties than that: the same boat is used to deliver the ice cream. The initial product of his business was selling ice cream, but as time continued, someone complained that he did not have a license. The complaint did not stop Gus, he was determined to continue his business, so he obtained his license, became official, and expanded his business to hot dogs, soda, and chips. The expansion created Gus’s Eats & Treats.

As the popularity of Gus’s Eats & Treats evolved, social media helped spread the word of the business to the point where Gus’s Eats & Treats received the notice from Krispy Kreme doughnuts. In addition to theMay be an image of 1 person, standing and text that says 'MML EATS & TREATS' other products Gus serves, the business now sells Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Gus’s Eats & Treats had the opportunity to attend The Alton Winter Carnival and serve hot chocolate and doughnuts and experience the festivities of the carnival.


Gabby Goodwin – CEO of Confidence

“My advice to other girls is to work hard, try your best, and remember NO is just an abbreviation for Next Opportunity!”

These wise words come from the 11-year-old entrepreneur, Gabrielle Goodwin. She is the CEO of Confidence, a business that sells innovative hair clips and hair products specifically targeted toward young girls. Her business came to be through her personal experience of losing hair clips. Hair accessories can be notorious for falling out of hair and disappearing, the beginning of the never-ending cycle of buying ridiculous amounts of hair accessories. Gabby was determined to fix this problem. Gabby and her mother came up with a new design of hair clips that would never fall out. Gabby’s success in her business clearly shows how real of a problem this is for mothers and their daughters around the world.

In addition to running her business, Gabby is a sought-after keynote speaker. She shares her story with others, in hopes of inspiring them to persevere in pursuing their dreams and ambitions. This is what drives her to keep running her business and making it better. Her initial idea of hair clips has now expanded into other products including: a hair product line, a children’s book, and a makeup box. Expanding her business is evidence that Gabby is not stagnant in her efforts, but she wants to continue to make her business better through hard work and harnessing her passion.

Gabby’s story is unique in showing other young girls that they can strive for their dreams like she did and still is doing. Many times, children become intimidated by their imagination, but Gabby is a great example of how ambition and drive can get you far, no matter your age. Additionally, her idea is unique in how she approached the design. She wanted the hair clip to have a design on both sides, and she wanted the clip to be effective in how it held hair. In pondering these two problems, she invented Gabby Bows that precisely solved them. Through Gabby’s personal experience, there was no other design of bow on the market that solved these problems, so Gabby decided to take on the solution herself in motivation to help her own hair needs and others. All these factors are what makes Gabby’s idea great. Through the process of coming up with a hair clip solution then arriving at the final product, Gabby showed strong entrepreneurial traits that simply cannot be taught. Her eye for the problem that needed to be solved showed her maturity and ability to carry out the innovative solution.

From Gabby’s story, I have been inspired to keep an eye out for the problems that I experience in my everyday life and to not be discouraged when I hear a “no”. I love that Gabby put such a positive spin on the word “no”, that is largely looked at as a negative. She spreads the message that when one door closes another one opens so that no one ever gives up on their dreams.

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One Sweet Idea: Cory Nieves

Whereas most ten-year-old’s are playing video games and hanging out with friends, Cory Nieves found himself running his own million dollar business: Mr. Cory’s Cookies. At six years old, Cory decided that he wanted to help his mom buy a new car, so he started selling hot chocolate in his hometown of Englewood, New Jersey. Cory’s mom, realizing that he had an entrepreneurial spirit and a knack for business, encouraged him to continue selling hot chocolate to save money for college. Cory not only continued selling hot chocolate, but he also began selling chocolate chip cookies too.

Although Cory started off by “googling” cookie recipes, he’s since developed his own recipe that provides a sweet treat with a healthy component. Over 75% of the ingredients in Cory’s cookies are organic, and he’s even expanded his line to include more all-natural options for health-conscious customers, such as double dark chocolate and oatmeal raisin cookies.

Cory is not only a master in the kitchen but in fashion as well.  A quick scroll through Cory’s Instagram reveals his collaborations with some of the nation’s leading corporations, such as J. Crew, Macy’s, Pottery Barn, TOMS, and Ralph Lauren. Cory has also been featured in articles from The Huffington Post and even made an appearance on “The Ellen Show”.

The defining quality of Mr. Cory’s Cookies, however, is their mission to give back to the community. A portion of the profits fund organizations of Cory’s choosing, such as Bergen’s Promise and Children’s Aid Society. With each cookie, Cory is changing the name of entrepreneurship— and that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

The Pastry Chef

People have many ways to relieve their stress. A young girl named Gabrielle Williams found that her stress reliever was baking. Her stress was a result from bullying at a new school she started attending when she bowed her head in prayer before her meal. As she found that the baking would remove the bullying stress, she continued baking and trying new recipes from her grandmother. Her mother took her to women’s empowerment event where she encountered a young entrepreneur lady with the exact same name. The young lady’s last words were to “Dream Big” which gave Gabrielle the nudge to become a businesswoman.

Gabrielle went back to the kitchen and created a homemade frosting from scratch that was a hit, Chocolate Expresso Buttercream Frosting. After the frosting, she decided that she wanted to create her own business and in 2013 at the age of nine, Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle was born. The secret recipes are based on her grandmother’s and great grandmother’s recipes and some of the recipes she created on her own. The ingredients are all fresh and business emphasizes on the homemade goodness of the pastries. The pastry business was steady for several years, selling to friends and spread by word of mouth. Then in 2016, Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle was featured on the local news which expanded to ABC Good Morning America, Woman’s World Magazine, Washington Post, and many more. As her business’ fame grew, Gabrielle has had the opportunity to be a co-author to the book, The Science Behind It: Formulating Success at any Age and speak at several conventions about bullying and young entrepreneurs.

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There are many challenges that Gabrielle must encounter. Responding to negative feedback and skepticism about a business run by a young girl can bring about the difficulty in running a business. There are times when business is slow and there was a time where no orders were placed for several months. Gabrielle felt discourage enough that she debated on closing the business. But shortly later, she received a large order. Throughout the challenges for the young businesswoman, Gabrielle enjoys baking and takes pride in her business.

Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle website: Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle – Home

Maddie Rae: Slime Queen

There is certain types fun as children that you never grow out of…well at least that is true for me. I loved (and still love) mixing things together and creating some sort of ‘unique’ concoction which is probably why I enjoy baking because it is the grown-up way of mixing ingredients together to form beauty and deliciousness. But enough about sweet and treats, and let’s do full one eighty and talk about slime. Slime? Is it that disgusting looking thing that can turn up in who knows where or can it be that pretty sparkly thing that you can find in the store? Children’s slime is a simple way to have endless fun. Playing with it can be a blast and that is exactly what a young girl named Maddie Rae discovered.

Maddie started making her own slime but as time passed, the interest in slime increased and she found it difficult to find slime glue. But the shortage in glue did not stop Maddie. She decided to try and create her own original slime glue. Finally, after hard work and many experiments, the perfect glue emerged which became Maddie Rae’s Slime Glue. The slime glue was a success and the business decided to expand to an array of slime items that aid in the process of making of slime.

There was a problem when there was not enough slime glue, but Maddie took her twelve-year-old passion for slime glue to that problem and found a solution. Her solution turned into a business which produced Maddie Rae’s Slime Glue. Since then, Maddie had the honor in breaking the Guinness World Record for World’s Largest Slime in 2017 for thirteen thousand eight hundred and twenty pounds. (The record has been broken by someone else) The joy of making slime combined with solving a need caused a young girl to become an entrepreneur.