Archive for kindness

Shawn Seipler, Founder of Clean the World

Shawn Seipler was once at a hotel in Minneapolis when the question struck him, “What do they do with the soap when I’m done with it?” When he asked the front desk, he was told they just throw the soap away. He saw how wasteful of a practice it was, and began to mentally brew potential solutions. Soon (once he was back at home in Florida), he created a makeshift work station in his garage, and had his family helping him to melt, sanitize, and reform bars of soap. Shawn was able to collect bars from several hotels around Orlando, and his first completed batch was 2,000 recycled bars strong. Shawn was able to bring himself and them to an impoverished area of Haiti. When he arrived at the church where he would hand them out, a crowd five times the size of his soap supply was waiting for him. Before this point, Shawn was aware of the great need that Haitian people had for hygiene supplies, but upon learning of how many of them died every day of disease, and seeing how grateful they were to receive soap, he knew his social enterprise had to continue. Shawn founded Clean the World in 2009, and since then the organization has expanded the scale of its operation, now donating to 115 countries (including homeless shelters in the US), it has diverted more than 28 million pounds of waste from landfills and donated over 87 million bars of soap. It has also expanded its range to include recycling the plastic of small liquid soap bottles.

The process of recycling the soap used by Clean the World is the same in its fundamentals as what Shawn Seipler used initially in his garage. Though at first his team was using potato peelers, meat grinders, and cookers, the work done by the industrial-quality equipment they now possess is doing the same things at a larger scale. The modern process is as follows: First, the bars are extruded into pellets and ground so that all foreign particles are removed. Then, the soap is sterilized by heating. Next, there is another round of pelleting and grinding to eliminate any potential remaining particles. Lastly, the soap is turned back into fresh bars. Clean the World now has recycling centers all over the earth, helping to prevent waste and provide for those in need.


My Sources:

FAQ – Clean the World

The afterlife of hotel soap | CNN

How Used Hotel Soap Could ‘Clean the World’ |

Shawn Seipler doing his part to ‘Clean the World’ –

Kiki’s Kindness Project

Katelynn Hardee was just five years old in 2019 when the idea for her now very successful non-profit business came to her. One day Katelynn and her mom were talking, and she discovered that her school in the Vista Unified School District had well over six hundred dollars of school lunch money debt and because of this some kids had parents that were unable to pay for school lunches, so their kids had to skip going to lunch at school. The thought of this upset Katelynn so she decided she was going to do something about it and the idea for Kiki’s Kindness Project was born. Katelynn first decided she was going to try and raise money to pay off the school lunch debt by selling coco and cookies around her town. Eventually by the time she had turned eight she had raised over seven thousand dollars; her goal was reached, and she was able to pay off all the lunch debt for her entire school district! Katelynn did not just stop there she wanted to continue fundraising projects to help people in her community. Since the beginning of her fundraising journey Kiki’s Kindness Project has raised over twenty-five thousand dollars for her community! Katelynn and her story have been featured on CBS Evening News, CNN, The Todays Show, The San Diego Union Tribune, Spectrum News, Kusi News, The List, and Good Morning America. Katelynn is also the recipient of the 2022 Women of Impact Award as well as the Hormel Foods 10 under 20 Food Heros award. Katelynn and her mom have also worked together to write a book called Make Your Own Sunshine. Their intent for writing this book was to brighten readers’ days by telling stories about the kindness of others. Katelynn also speaks on a podcast called Little Kids Big Heart where she encourages listeners to make “Little ripples in their community” and it can end up having a large impact. Katelynn’s main mission is “To inspire people to choose kindness and bring communities together.” Now if you’re wondering ways that you can help your community Katelynn encourages you to Build a small library if you are able, pick-up trash, or just do something nice for others. You can also make donations to your favorite local charities and nonprofits and become a volunteer!