Archive for Landscaping

R.J. Duarte and GreenWorx Landscaping

As a teenager, some people decide not to work, some people decide to go work a minimum wage job, and some people decide to start their own business. No matter what decision someone makes, they do not normally expect to take their summer job and turn it into a six figure business. Well that is exactly what R.J. Duarte did with his high school business.

At just eight years old, Duarte started mowing lawns in Golden, CO. He kept up with the mowing himself until middle school when he decided to add his friend’s help. They kept working and increasing revenue while adding additional help. They finally named their business GreenWorx when they were in high school. Duarte decided not to go to college while his partner left.

This change in partnership led Duarte to decide to make a change to the business. He decided to stop mowing lawns and switch to landscaping. Duarte stopped mowing his clients’ lawns and took the business to a new level by turning the business into a landscaping and maintenance company. Duarte saw this change as a way to increase risk and reward. It ended up being a good business decision.

Duarte acknowledges that his business started as a way of making money, but he also wanted to show the community that young people can be successful too. Although his intentions were for monetary gain, he wanted to show people not to underestimate people.

Duarte is a good example of an entrepreneur because he was persistent, risky, and found a need. He was able to stick with his business and earn six figures. An entrepreneur needs to be able to take risks in order to get the reward and Duarte did just that by changing what his business focused on. He also capitalized on a need he saw in his community: someone to mow people’s lawns for them. Overall, he possesses many attributes of an entrepreneur that allowed him to be successful in his startup and continuing business.

Duarte inspired me because he showed that you can start something small, like a high school lawn mowing business, and turn it into a way of making a living. He showed me that it is never too soon to think big. He chose a life path that many avoid due to its risk, and I admire that.

Ultimately, Duarte’s young success as an entrepreneur allowed him to get an early start on his success in life.

GreenWorx Landscaping – The Work Ethic

It all began in Golden, Colorado when R.J. Duarte was eight years old and started cutting grass for his family and neighbors. It was at a young age that Duarte first learned the value of hard work and the power that determination has to fuel success. Work ethic is one of the most effective qualities to have within any workplace, and Duarte embodies this trait. In 2008, Duarte used his ambitions alone to create a small business for himself that he could use to make money in preparation he knew was already full of success and was efficiently bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Green Worx’s business was booming while he was in high school and there was no reason, not even college, for him to throw it all away. With this, he went to work reframing his business model and projecting future growth inclusive of some model changes. He repositioned his goals for Green Worx and turned a high-volume, small-client business into a premium landscaping-­and-maintenance company that would pose more of a risk, but allowed for the potential of a much higher reward.

He made the right decision in doing this, and today Green Worx operates four trucks and a peak-season crew of a dozen-plus people. When Duarte made the big decision to stick with Green Worx and skip out on college, people questioned him extensively. They always ask, even to this day, “How’s college going R.J.?” and he just tells them the truth. He is a hardworking person who gives jobs to other hard-working people. This sort of question has R.J. saying, “They [society] want(s) to hear about your degree, not your company.” An important question to consider is this: What is more valuable in life, having a piece of paper recognizing four years of effort you put into it, or, a lifetime of hard work and dedication to the success and growth of a business that you have poured your heart into? Well, both are valuable, but one is entrepreneurial, the other, not so much.
R.J. is not only a man of notable work ethic and ambition but an entrepreneur.

He took a risk, he innovated the process in which Green Worx landscaping does their job, he continues to grow in annual revenue, and he undertakes challenges. R.J. proves that you can very well make $750,000.00 a year on ambition, determination, and work ethic alone, any college degree aside. Entrepreneurs are people who undertake challenges as a means to a successful end, and R.J. Duarte undertook.



College No. Six figures YES!

What started as a plan to earn money for candy, turned into a 6 figure/ year income for a teenager from Colorado. RJ Duarte was 8 years only when he began his entrepreneurial journey, with a red wagon, a lawnmower, and 5 neighborhood clients RJ began his business. Over time the venture grew, and soon he had a whole trailer park worth of clients. At this point RJ could not keep up with the work on his own. That is when a friend named Owen Johnson became the second member of the workforce. Now on weekends RJ could do more work which increased his income.

For marketing RJ relied on a simple “word of mouth” technique to get new customers on board. And in 2014 the two decided they would take it to the next step and create a legitimate business. They named it GreenWorx. After the hire of another employee, and another big season coming up they decided to try a new marketing technique. After many failed attempts, their story was picked up by a local newsletter that was sent to over 19,000 residents in the area. Let us just say it was a good season for them after that!

By the end of 2016, Green Worx was 300% bigger than the year before. Going into 2017, Green Worx has expanded its team, adding two new labor consultants to help with increasing demand. At this point the two were making six figures a year and growing. After more than five years of working with Green Worx Landscaping, Owen decided to part ways with the company in order to go off to college, but RJ had other plans. He had built something far more than that young 8-year-old in need of candy ever imagined. He decided not to go to college and stuck with the business.

Now with four trucks, and fifteen employees during season the company is bringing in annual revenues close to $750,000/ yr. Thanks to his work ethic, and some strokes of luck, RJ has built a business that will support him for years to come.