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Knoq. Knoq. Who’s There?

Kendall Tucker. Kendall Tucker who?

Kendall Tucker, the founder of Knoq, a community outreach technology company. Knoq, which was launched in 2018 and has its headquarters in Boston, Mass uses representatives of the neighborhood to reach their own neighbors. The Knoqers, as they are called, canvas their own neighborhoods forming relationships and discussing products that can make homeowner’s lives easier, from scheduling a MassSave Evaluation to teaching people about home security systems.

Knoq, trains and recruits people on canvasing and door-to-door sales before sending them out into their own neighborhoods. The focus being on their own neighborhoods, because Knoq wants to reemphasize and encourage people to connect with their neighbors, as was commonplace in the past century. Google Fiber, NRG, Fluent Home Security, and Inspire Energy all use the services Knoq provides.

Prior to founding Knoq, Kendall Tucker worked in the political realm, managing a State Senate race, and working for political campaigns. After she graduated, Tucker worked at a management consulting company where she gained important skills in analyzing data. She then founded the company, Polis Politics, where she was CEO for three years. Polis was also a Massachusetts start-up, founded in 2015, it is also a door-to-door outreach platform. This company sells data to political campaigns in order to help them canvas for voters much easier. The data from Polis creates profiles for citizens regarding their political history. After it launched over 150 organizations used Polis.

Tucker has valuable skills is community outreach (a very important aspect of her companies), data analysis, and research. She was a finalist for the Entrepreneur of the Year in New England, as well as being featured in CNBC’s Upstart 100: World’s Most Promising.

I have learned from Kendall Tucker that sometimes you know you want to achieve something, but in order to do that you need to gain skills and take sometime before you start your dream. This was from her job at the consulting company where she learned data analysis in order to create Polis with the best system to benefit political campaigns.



YourMind helps to create a positive work environment where the agents genuinely want to work. The goal is to help companies understand that their employees are assets, rather than liabilities, helping managers invest in their people so they can become the best version of themselves, in and outside of work.

Margot Radicati di Brozolo realized early in her adult life that many people, including herself, experience the Sunday scares when it comes to going back to work on Monday. Personally, she experienced this dread of going to work the next day in the form of anxiety. She describes her experience as getting a knot in her stomach and her breath would quicken. After speaking to others about her experience, she realized she was not alone. She imagined creating a company like YourMind but the idea of leaving her very well paying, corporate job was unthinkable.

After two years of dreaming about this idea, Margot attended an entrepreneurial event to figure out how to actually start a business. She decided to give YourMind a shot, but continued working in her corporate job for another four months until she quit to give her all to YourMind.

YourMind provides Manager Mental Health training and Mental Health Ambassador training to help people in that particular company understand their significance in their workplace. They are empowered to create a positive environment and lead by example. YourMind comes from the position, understanding that their example and leadership can make a real difference in their companies, but more importantly in their employees lives in and outside of work.

The workshops that YourMind provides goes over a range of topics such as managing stress, increasing psychological resilience, journalling for  stress management, improving work-life balance, creating a healthy workplace, mindset of success and so much more. The goal of the work shop is to empower the attendees to look after their own well being that are easily implemented into their day-to-day lives.