Have you ever wished that your smartphone keyboard was smarter and easier to type on? Well Jon Reynolds did and he made his own unique solution, SwiftKey, a replacement for the stock keyboard on Android phones and recently even iPhones. SwiftKey analyzes your writing style and can predict what you are going to say next before you can even type it. The keyboard also lets you slide your fingers between letters so you don’t even have to lift your finger up. As stated online, SwiftKey accurately predicts what you are going to say next a third of the time, and 80% of the time, users do not have to type in more than 2 letters before SwiftKey correctly guesses the word.
SwiftKey was created in 2008 when Reynolds witnessed a friend struggle to use his blackberry keyboard. Reynolds saw that mobile phones were the next big thing and that innovating the keyboard was an untapped market. SwiftKey was the bestselling app on google play for two years straight and is now estimated to be installed on more than 200 million devices. This past year Apple announced that soon iPhones would be able to get replacement keyboards, opening a huge market for SwiftKey. Jon Reynolds is a great entrepreneur because he found a way to solve a major problem that no one had found a perfect solution for yet. Reynolds has truly innovated the smartphone keyboard market.