Archive for Rock/Metal

Jake Luhrs – Using His Position to Help Others

Jake Luhrs, most commonly known for being a vocalist for the metal band August Burns Red, has expanded beyond the realms of the music industry and has created a company and written a book that both deal with overcoming peoples personal struggles, whether it’s about their faith or mental health.

Firstly, his band, August Burns Red, is one of the more well-known bands in the metal genre, with their music videos garnering millions of views with every release. Currently, their band is embarking on a World Tour to commemorate the 10th Year Anniversary of their album, Constellations, which really helped them get their foot in the door of metal. In the metal scene, that’s a pretty difficult thing to achieve, since the genre of music they are playing is not radio-friendly nor enjoyed by most people. Given his position, many people after shows would come up to him and tell him about what they were currently struggling with, and, sometimes, how much he and his band helped them through those moments. He, and with some others, started Heartsupport, an online resource dedicated to those dealing with whatever problems they may have. With Heartsupport, they give these people resources to reach out to other people for advice and help via a forum page. There are also resources for counseling, daily livestreams on Twitch, and a book, titled Mountains, which was written by Jake Luhrs. All in all, Jake Luhrs has a successful band, who discovered a problem through the opportunities he had, went on to create a website dedicated to solve those problems.


John Cooper

Many people know John Cooper as the lead singer and bassist for the hard rock/metal band Skillet, but many do not realize that John Cooper holds many other roles as well.  As the only founding member still a part of Skillet, Cooper has released ten albums since 1996.  Cooper’s wife Kory is also a member of Skillet, and their relationship is strengthened by touring and performing together while spreading God’s love to others in often godless environments.  Part of John and Kory Coopers’ mission, along with the rest of the members of Skillet, is to openly be Christians, but to perform music that appeals to people who are not often reached by Christianity.  Skillet’s songs all have Christian themes and messages, though some are more subtle than others, and John Cooper discusses his faith at every concert.

As if performing, recording, and traveling with Skillet was not enough, Cooper started a side project in 2018 called Fight the Fury.  Along with the guitarist from Skillet, Seth Morrison, Cooper co-wrote and released a five song EP and toured with both Skillet and Fight the Fury throughout the spring and early summer of 2019.  Though some might say Fight the Fury is similar to Skillet in terms of their music, Fight the Fury is much darker and heavier music and deals with many dark and tough subjects that are not as well suited to Skillet.  Cooper has made it clear that while Skillet is a Christian band that plays hard rock and metal, Fight the Fury is definitely a metal band first, whose members happen to be Christians.

In addition to Skillet and Fight the Fury, John Cooper also released his own line of beard care products in the late fall of 2018.  Through a partnership with Hawk+Hatchet, these products are now being sold through major distributors such as Macy’s and Amazon, as well as through Hawk+Hatchet’s own website.

Throughout these many projects, John Cooper has remained a faithful Christian, husband, and father.  He has enjoyed great success being able to tour with many mainstream rock and metal bands such as Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Slayer, Five Finger Death Punch, Nickelback, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and numerous others, as well as performed on Fox & Friends several times.  John Cooper takes every opportunity to share his faith with the world and uses the platform he has worked to create to help spread God’s word.  John Cooper is an inspiring entrepreneur, as he has successfully managed to create and be successful in two different bands, launched a beard care line, and been a loving husband and father.