Archive for Nursing

Krish Chopra – NPHub

Krish Chopra

Anyone who is looking into nursing school should know of the name Krish Chopra. Krish Chopra invented the company NPHub which changes how nursing graduate nursing students complete their clinical hours. Krish Chopra is a first-generation American who revolutionized the nursing industry. The inspiration came to him through an unfulfilling sales job at AT&T where he was “overpaid and underworked”. He tried multiple times in many different industries and settled on nursing after a frantic call from a nursing student. Through this frantic phone call with the girl crying in frustration, he thought of the idea of NPHub. NPHub connects U.S. nursing students with clinical instructors who were willing to offer training for $12.50 per hour of training. This company only has 10 employees and is projected to have an annual revenue $1.6 million in 2019. His company not only revolutionized the nursing graduate clinical work but also showed that anyone can be an entrepreneur, regardless of background.