Archive for seizing opportunity

Seizing opportunity – Willow Tufano

Willow Tufano

One of the biggest parts of being an entrepreneur is looking for and taking advantage of opportunities. Willow Tufano is a great example of an entrepreneur who took advantage of an opportunity that she saw coming out of a problem. When Willow was 14 years old, a recession hit Florida, causing houses that usually sold for upwards of $100,000 were selling for less than $15,000 at auctions. With the help of a family who had experience in real estate, Willow decided to take a risk and take advantage of the opportunity of low-priced real estate, she bought a house. After doing some work on the house, Willow made the home available to rent for $700 a month. She was then to make back what she spent in just over a year and a half.

Willow capitalized on an amazing opportunity she saw coming out of a bad situation. Willow was able to gain a lot of experience in real estate and make a really good profit because of her willingness to take a risk and seize opportunities. Risk analysis is an essential skill for entrepreneurship, Willow was able to seize the opportunity at hand because of her ability to take into account the possible reward in light of the potential risk. Risk-analysis and seizing opportunities are both skills that I am working on myself, it is a terrible feeling to realize you missed out on an amazing opportunity because I was scared to step out and try doing something outside my comfort zone. Willow is an example of the possible reward for taking risks.