Archive for Shipping

James McGoff

James McGoff is one of three young Entrepreneurs who sought to change the game on packing supplies. They wanted to eliminate styrofoam from the market and do something better. They founded Temperpack, a company dedicated to making better packaging that keeps in heat and is still sustainable.

They started by raising between 40,000 and 50,000 dollars for their prototypes in different pitch contests. Their first innovation wasn’t true innovation, it was just packing insulation into plastic; however, this was enough for the men to be able to sign a deal with HelloFresh. Soon they began making their packing sustainable by using Jute as the insulation and recycled plastic or paper as the barrier between the Jute and the product being insulated. They are now working with both food and pharmaceuticals to get their product in use on the market.

This company is doing a great job challenging the current market standards by catering to people and companies’ desire to make a more sustainable form of package insulation.