Archive for Smells

Jack Haldrup

In the world of soap, there really is not much variety, especially for men. 3 in 1 and 5 in 1 shampoos, all with the same three scents, men can find it hard at times to find a soap that works and smells good. That’s what Jack Haldrup thought when he created Dr. Squatch, a soap brand designed for men. He created the company to make organic bar soaps that smelt and felt good on the skin, and that did not smell like the soap men had been using their whole lives. With scents like pine tar, grapefruit IPA, goat’s milk and many others, Haldrup had created a brand that challenged the status quo of mens hygiene and sent it into oblivion. I have used Dr. Squatch products and am a fan of how the soap smells and feels, as they have bars that have differing levels of exfoliation for different types of skin. Haldrup saw this problem of soap and that no one was doing anything about it, and seized the opportunity and has never looked back. They have gone fully into catering to men, especially in how they brand and advertise their products, with most commercials being in the woods, with a man with a beard and long hair talking aggressively about soap. So while at times the company may seem like a joke, their products show that they obviously do care a lot about soap and serving the needs as it pertains to men’s hygiene.

Manly Candles Made by a Kid

The main character in this venture is Hart Main. The kid is still only thirteen years old. That has not stopped him from creating a business that does over one million dollars in sales every year. It all started when his sister was selling candles at school. He was making fun of them for smelling so “girly.” He then came up with the idea for candles that appealed more to the male senses. Girls are not the only ones who like good, quality sents.

He started to make them and put the candles in reused cans. He and his parents started the business called ManCans. He originally did it to save up for a bike costing $1,500. Now he makes millions. His parents invested a lot in the company and play a big part of course. They clearly have taught Hart good Morales and values.

Not only do they do they recycle soup cans as the holder for the candles in order to help the earth. They also donate a portion of every sale to soup kitchens in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This generation is very empathetic and also environmentally concerned. Hart Main has clearly taken that into account in his marketing strategies.

The product itself comes in many manly scents. Some ones I thought sounded good were campfire, bacon, sawdust, fresh cut grass, and grandfathers pipe. The product is a cool idea and it is cool to see someone so successful at such a young age. People in college can not use the excuse that they will get started on their dreams later when this kid is out here doing this. We can all use him as an inspiration. I hope he got the bike that he wanted.