High school is a scary place, a time full of exploration and fun, but also a time of insecurity and anxiety. In today’s technologically led world, cyber bullying has become more and more prominent. 9/10 High Schoolers that are being cyber bullied do not report it, thus leading to higher suicide and depression rates. That is why 17 year old Trisha Prabhu started ReThink,”A patented technology that effectively detects and stops online hate before the damage is done” (ReThink).
Trisha who has been coding since she was 10 has always wanted to make a difference. She wanted to leave her footprint in the world by creating something that can make life better for people. “This app is now used in over 1,000 schools worldwide, the app been downloaded thousands of times on Google Play and the App store, and has been introduced to over 1.3 million students in Michigan as a part of their OK2SAY cyberbullying awareness program” (Chicagoinno). This app uses an algorithm that can trace hurtful speech and will ask the writer if they want to Rethink their post due to the potential harm.
This Chicago-born student has made a difference for so many people. After launching the app in 2014 she has found that 93% of the time users notified will change their post before putting it out into the web. This kind of an impact is huge, especially in a time where social media plays a key role in the formation of children’s lives.
Entrepreneurs can learn from Trisha by taking the talents they have and combining it with the passions they have to better the world around them. Trisha received $100,000 from the Shark Tank investors and is stopping cyber bullying one post at a time.
Beebe, Lisa. “ReThink: How Trisha Prabhu Created an App to Stop Cyberbullying.” Like A Boss Girls, 16 July 2018, likeabossgirls.com/rethink-how-trisha-prabhu-stops-cyberbullying-at-its-source-and-gets-100k-on-shark-tank/.
Hustad, Karis. “14 Illinois Teen Entrepreneurs To Watch.” Americaninno.com, www.americaninno.com/chicago/chicago-and-illinois-teen-entrepreneurs-to-know/.
Inc. “ReThink -.” ReThink – Before the Damage Is Done, www.rethinkwords.com/.