Archive for speaking

Maryna Shkvorets

Maryna Shkvorets is a young entrepreneur that is working to be a voice to empower people to still be pursue their callings even when being introverts. Shkvorets knows that so many people have such influential ideas but are afraid to express them because they are shy, not outgoing, or confident speaking in front other people. Wanting to really impact this and make a change Shkvorets started a coaching agency precisely for introverts that want to be persuasive, engaging presenters that can impact and challenge others in their everyday life.

Shkvorets has a 3 step process to accomplish this, that might seem counterintuitive to introverts, but can be highly influential in changing their feelings of anxiety and shyness to confidence and boldness:

  1. Detach from fear and step into the speaker you want to be
  2. Grab attention and keep attention
  3. Get in the zone and nail it

Everyone can be persuasive, engaging, and confident, it just has to be worked on and Maryna Shkvorets’s calling is to precisely do that.


Great entrepreneurs all from an area of passion pain and for Shkvoret it was the idea of confidence and the ability to empower others regardless of your personality whether introversion or extroversion!