Archive for supplements

GHOST® – Ryan Hughes

When Ryan Hughes was young, he suffered with a lack of body positivity. His skinny frame upset him, which led him to the weight room. At age 15, Hughes joined his first gym. Since then, he has been consistently working on himself and his overall fitness. Now, he is a well-established pro bodybuilder and fitness model.

Hughes has the “origin” story that many people can relate to. His goal is to share his journey and inspire others to also take the initiative in improving themselves. His mission is made possible through his brand, GHOST®. Founded in 2016, GHOST® quickly became one of the top brands in the industry. Authenticity is the main component that sets it apart from competitors. Co-Creator, Dan Lourenco, calls GHOST®, “the first lifestyle sports nutrition brand”. Up to the release of their business, all focus was directed towards a niche group of people—bodybuilders. Hughes believes that his brand should be inclusive and accessible to everyone.

Hughes often speaks about his experiences as an entrepreneur. He states, “. . . the funny thing about entrepreneurship and success in a lot of ways is you don’t start something like this or go on this journey as an entrepreneur for success. You do it out of pure passion for what you’re doing.” Passion is an entrepreneurial trait that is usually overlooked. A customer is unlikely to buy from a seller who exhibits no interest in the product they’re advertising.

As a loyal customer of GHOST®, I find their business model to be refreshing. There are plenty of organizations trying to sell their fake version of fitness to the public. I see GHOST® as a brand like no other. I believe that their products are meant to be real for real people with real needs. Now, knowing more about the creators behind GHOST®, I have more respect for the business. Hughes is an empathetical entrepreneur. He knows struggle and aspires to help others in their battles too. He is also knowledgeable about the needs of his customers. At the end of the day, the customers want a product that tastes good. That’s why 99% of their efforts are put towards creating the best possible flavors. Hughes has a truly great sense of what to prioritize. He is an example of the quintessential entrepreneur.

Tim Moxey & “Nuun”

At 26 years old, Tim Moxey came up with the basic idea for his now multi-million dollar business: Nuun hydration. While taking an entrepreneurship class at the Tuck School of Business, he was tasked with developing a product idea and a fictitious business plan. As an avid cyclist and triathlete, he had recently become frustrated with the lack of electrolyte drinks that could adequately replenish the electrolytes lost during extended periods of intense exercise. At the time, most stores only carried Gatorade, which Moxey found too sweet with its huge amounts of added sugar. For the project, he decided to explore a product that could solve a problem he was facing regularly.

As a solution, Moxey developed the concept for Nuun: a self-dissolving, portable, sugar-free tablet packed with electrolytes. At the time, Moxey had no intentions of ever building Nuun into a real business. After graduation from Tuck, Moxey held several corporate positions, but Nuun always resided in the back of his mind. Eventually, in 2004, he decided to officially launch the company.

Nuun has been extremely successful among endurance athletes all over the world; it turns out, many other athletes were in search of a better electrolyte drink, just like Moxey. After many prototypes and trials, Nuun grew into the product it is today: a hydration tablet containing essential electrolytes that you simply drop into a glass of water. The tablet dissolves into the water on its own, leaving you with a delicious, refreshing electrolyte drink. Since Nuun avoids excess amounts of added sugar, it is also a healthier hydration alternative to popular hydration drinks like Gatorade.

Today, Nuun comes in over a dozen different flavors, from Strawberry Lemonade to Orange to Fruit Punch. Nuun also offers a variety of hydration types, including ‘Sport,’ ‘Daily,’ ‘Immunity,’ ‘Energy,’ ‘Vitamins,’ and ‘Rest.’ With its wide array of products, Nuun offers a hydration option for everyone.

Tim Moxey is an excellent example of a young entrepreneur who used a problem in his own life to inspire a business idea that could solve the problem. He is also an ‘accidental entrepreneur’ who never planned on owning a business. Instead, his passion for the problem led him to success. Young entrepreneurs can look to Moxey as an example of someone who harnessed his own passion to solve a problem through a new product.


Get “Illuminated”

Calloway Cook is a young Entrepreneur who is taking a major step in the supplements market. He was frustrated that the supplement market was lacking an answer for solid healthy supplements. He was working out and taking supplements, but did not really know what he was putting in his body.  He saw some positive effects of the supplements, but did not know the long term effects of some of the ingredients. Just by talking to other people in the market, he realized there was no answer for an openly, honest supplement.

He realized people would be willing to pay a high price to know what they are consuming. The market is shifting to a place where it is willing to spend more to eat better. There has been a health movement with the spread of information. Calvin Cook wanted to enter that market and find a solution he can even use himself.

He created Illuminate labs. Illuminate labs. Illuminate labs are very open about what is in their products. They say that there are no supplement standards in the United States. That is why Illuminate Labs meets the European Union’s standards. The European union’s standards tend to be the highest in the world in this market. On his LinkdIn he just posted that their website had over two hundred thousand hits this last month. They had over one million users in general last year. Their supplements are starting to build a consistent user base.

I think the main thing you can learn from this example is that you do not have to look past yourself for a product. Just examine what problems you have in your life. Your product do not have to solve everything for everyone. It can just be a problem you face, because most likely other people face the same issue.

Illuminate Labs

Calloway Cook is a young entrepreneur who took advantage of an open market where demand was not being fulfilled. Cook when taking his own dietary supplements found that not many supplements were sufficiently tested products that were shown to be safe. Knowing this, Cook jumped headfirst into this market and created Illuminate Labs, knowing that these more highly tested and safe products could be sold for higher prices generating more revenue.

Sometimes entrepreneurship is not something super huge, but simply finding a gap where no one is currently doing a better job than anyone else or as good of a job as they could be. And I’d argue that this is mostly what encompasses entrepreneurship. Most innovations and ideas are not some earth shattering thing, but are a practical idea that makes someone’s life more convenient and easier. They are something that fulfills a need and pain and does it in a different way than anyone in the past or offers some additional value different from anything offer before.