Thomas Simons, also known as TommyInnit is a 17 year old boy with 10.9 million subscribers and is growing in popularity on YouTube at an incredible rate. This, however, was not always the case. Tommy has been doing YouTube since he was 9 years old and for multiple years he was just another drop of water in the ocean of YouTubers but what made Tommy different is the fact that he would not quit. Tommy found that the amount of YouTube channels was continually increasing and he wasn’t seeing much attention drawn to his channel amongst the vast amount of competition and decided to move from his first channel to streaming on Twitch at the age of 14 to try and get the attention of the gaming audience and developed over two thousand followers in the process. The next year Tommy decided to take his audience back to YouTube and finally started the infamous channel, “TommyInnit”. But his channel didn’t just grow by him leaving it out to dry, Tommy has heavily invested in his videos over the past three years and it has recently payed off as he seemed to discover the “algorithm” to YouTube and has also made some very famous friends on the web and thus has blown up from an extremely well earned one million subscribers in september of 2020 to now having a whopping 22.4 million subscribers over his seven YouTube channels. Tommy makes approximately $11,000 a DAY! Clearly, the hard work, pivoting, and idea changing that makes up the TommyInnit that we know today was deeply poured into over the past eight years of Tommy’s career have payed off abundantly!