Archive for Eterneva

Diamonds from Ashes

When looking for a zone of innovation, few people would first look to the postmortem industry.  But that is exactly where young entrepreneur Adelle Archer turned.  Her company, Eterneva, creates precious keepsakes out of the remains of loved ones who have passed away.  They accomplish this by turning their ashes into diamonds.  Archer’s goal was to find a way for love one’s remains to be eternalized, and converting them to an extremely durable and precious mineral, using the carbon within the ashes, was a very effective way of accomplishing this.

Adelle Archer

The mission of Eterneva goes beyond just making money.  Archer created her company around the desire to see the stigma that surrounds death and grieving in the United States go away.  She wants to provide a way for grievers to be less isolated and more understood.

Memorial Diamonds from Ashes or Hair | Eterneva

In her short career as an entrepreneur, Adele Archer has been extremely successful.  She attended the prestigious Acton School of Business, getting an MBA in Entrepreneurship.  Soon after, she created Eterneva, and took her company to Shark Tank, where she received an investment from Mark Cuban.  In 2019, Eterneva was given the title of Consumer Startup of the Year by the Stevie Awards.