Archive for Joulies

Coffee Joulies

Ever burned your tongue on a fresh cup of hot coffee?  How about refilling your coffee cup after it gets too lukewarm and cold to enjoy? In March of 2009, two Dave’s who grew up as neighbors and classmates in New Jersey came up with a solution to the hot drink problem.

Coffee Joulies are metal coffee bean-shaped beans that contain the thermodynamic ability to create the optimal temperature for hot drinks. Inside the beans are a special phase-change material which melts at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Once put in your coffee cup, the material starts to melt, which in turn absorbs an incredible amount of heat and cools your coffee down extremely fast. The heat is stored in the Joulie beans and then when the coffee reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit (the perfect temperature), the heat is released back into the coffee to keep it at the optimal temperature for drinking.

This keeps your coffee hot 3 times as long, and cools it down very fast. The beans are made in the US from 85% of recycled stainless steel using hydro power from Niagara Falls.

The business began on Kickstarter, earned 3rd place in the Kickstarter hall of fame for raising enough funds to make Joulies in the US. In 2013, Joulies profits and publicity skyrocketed when their product aired on the show Shark Tank.

My family owns multiple Joulies, and I can personally attest that this product works and is a viable solution to an ongoing inconvenience. For more information, you can check out