Archive for online community

How did you Blog today

Ever notice when going to post on this blog, “Millennial Entrepreneurs” for assignments, what you log in through. Well it is WordPress, founded by Matthew Mullenweg when he was in college in 2005. Today it is used as one of leading, and most successful websites to upload and create blogs worldwide. How ironic that the cite we use to talk about all the entrepreneur’s in the world, is one created by a millennial entrepreneur.

Like most college kids, Matt was struggling keeping up with his grades. He also didn’t feel he was in the right spot, and college wasn’t his thing.  So he wanted to vent those feelings to kids in the similar situation, but noticed there was no way to connect and do that. He did however, realize the World Wide Web was on the rise and the new place to be, so why not there. He created WordPress to connect with kids who didn’t “fit in/like” college and started a blog. Little did he know it would take off and blow up how it did. Today, there are about 60 million blogs on WordPress alone, one of which is ours. He saw a way to take venting and expressing his feelings to the next level. He knew, the only way to do it before was write it down, and save it and share with friend if you were brave enough. He wondered about making it better and in real time by allowing blogging to happen at your finger tips, and be published when you want.

WordPress and millennial entrepreneur is one thing I never expected them to go together. I never saw us talking about entrepreneurs and writing about their success and what they did, on their platform. It is a small word to say the least, and very ironic that it comes together how it does.


Gerard Adams and “Fownders”

Gerard Adams is no stranger to entrepreneurship. He co-founded the popular newsite targeted towards millennials, Elite Daily. It was sold to the Daily Mail for $50 million. He contributes to the Entrepreneur Magazine. He’s also the founder of a startup accelerator for millennials, Fownder.

Fownder is an online community that provides networking, connections, brands, and other providers for people looking to start their own business. Their goal is to provide customers with “exclusive access to curated tools and lessons, chosen to make your business reach its full potential,” according to their website.

Adams capitalized on capitalism itself — he realized the interest in young people to become entrepreneurs and developed a unique platform to aid them in this process. With the exclusive courses and connections that comes with the membership, he madImage result for fownders logoe Fownder a desirable option for new business owners as well as established companies. 

The website also features a blog with posts such as “Why you should listen to your heart” and “The unwritten rules of storytelling.” Fownders aims to equip new entrepreneurs with the creative and empathetic skills they need in order to be thoughtful entrepreneurs.