Archive for students

Wearing the World – Serengetee

In 2011, Jeff Steitz was traveling the world with the Semester at Sea program through his school, Claremont McKenna College. Less than a year later, he and a few buddies would have begun a travel-inspired business marketing textiles from around the world in a unique and appealing way, all based out of their dorm room.

Fabrics are a universal product—anywhere people travel in the world, they’ll find cloth being produced and sold in a limitless variety of patterns. Serengetee’s signature product, the pocket tee, is a basic t-shirt sporting an attached pocket made of fabric from another country. Customers can choose from over fifty designs, a selection which is constantly being added to as Serengetee reaches more corners of the world.

“It’s amazing how far you can go in only a year from literally nothing to having a full-fledged brand and business,” Serengetee co-founder Ryan Westberg observes.

Besides supporting vendors, each Serengetee pocket is associated with a specific grassroots organization, to which every purchase gives back a portion.

Ryan says that the business was truly a “product of social networks” in the way they had to depend on individual connections— “our friends and their friends”—to succeed. Their innovative spirit matches that of the international businesses they support, who often struggle to make a profit and progress in their ventures.

“What makes us feel great about the future is that the more products we sell, the bigger the impact will be on our partner causes. These win-win situations are the true benefits of a social venture,” says Jeff Steitz.

The process of founding Serengetee has proved to be rewarding, as the business generates a profit margin between 60 and 80%, with 13% going toward charitable causes. As their products are scattered all over the world, Serengetee’s five sales executives are appropriately spread all over the U.S., with representatives across college campuses working to promote the brand and get their fellow students to “travel more.”

Shop their site:

Better Than McDonalds – Erik Finman

A common misconception is that the adolescents who “make it” in the entrepreneurial world are the kids who thrived academically and stood out as leaders among their classmates. Under closer examination, kids who choose innovative routes on their own are the same kids who stood out from the crowd in some way… and not always for being the best. In Erik Finman’s case, he leaned in the opposite direction—failing miserably within public school, his intelligence stifled by the constricting atmosphere. On all sides he was met with conflict and bullying—by teachers as well as students, one warning him he would end up working at McDonalds. Detached from the world of academics, Finman found himself more often looking outward. His recognition of the fundamental flaws in the public school system formed the basis of his first startup, Botangle, an online education company, which reflects this desire for young students to thrive in a school system that inspires them to pursue learning rather than view it as meaningless drudgery.

His journey from high school dropout to millionaire was the seed of an early investment in Bitcoin as a fifteen-year-old. Finman’s next step was to make a deal with his parents that if he became a millionaire by the time he turned 18, he wouldn’t have to go to college. He succeeded.

Finman cites his life goal as to “fix the education system,” and now at 19, he is the successful founder of an online education company called Botangle, which allows people to create a virtual “school” for any subject.

“Find what you’re good at, and find a way to make money doing it,” is Erik’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. Indeed, Erik Finman’s seemingly arduous process of weeding his way through criticism and apparent failure to reach the pinnacle of success should inspire young people of all interests to think outside the apparent restrictions of what is considered possible.

Visit Erik’s business Botangle here: