Archive for #Waterboarded for Chirstmas

Actually GOOD political comedy: Steven Crowder and LouderWithCrowder

Technically a millennial, Steven Crowder, pictured above, is a political comedian who hosts the show Louder With Crowder, and has nearly 3 million subscribers on youtube. As you can guess from the picture above, he is not the usual far-left political comedian pushing marxism. He is a strong conservative, and thus his show is booming in an area there is literally zero competition in.

Crowder was born in Michigan and raised in Quebec, Canada. After being a voice actor for a character on the PBS kids show Arthur and a child actor in several films, he worked for Fox News from 2009 until being fired in 2013 for criticizing Sean Hannity. While at Fox News he repeatedly pitched the idea for what is now the LouderWithCrowder show, based on his experience as a stand up comedian from age 15. The pitch was rejected each time, because Fox News thought that it wouldn’t be successful. So when he was fired from Fox News, he decided to found LouderWithCrowder and within a couple of years became wildly successful, reaching millions of fans and making his show alone bigger in reach than several mainstream media companies that have been around for years.

Crowder attributes his success to the appeal his show has on younger generations. The comedy on his show is used to create a engaging environment rather than to make fun of everyone he disagrees with. He often has events in public and is not afraid to make fun of himself or to put himself in danger. Some of the things he has done during his show and in public include getting waterboarded to support a pro-waterboarding policy, walking around in nothing but a fake diaper to make fun of “anti-body shaming protests”, going to different areas of the country with a table that says some controversial belief and encouraging people to try to change his mind, confronting people who make death threats or slander him, and sending one of his employees (whose nickname is “not gay Jared”) to infiltrate antifa during a Ben Shapiro speech and get antifa members arrested when they discovered they had lethal weapons such as sawed off shotguns and were planning to kill Ben Shapiro and lie in wait to kill anyone at the speech who fled to the parking lot.

The Louder With Crowder show is so popular and influential that Crowder has been invited to speak at colleges, has received the metaphorical badge of honor of being slandered by Marxist university professors and journalists, and has congressman Ted Cruz, a fan of the show, on as a repeating guest. Steven Crowder goes to show that even if people think your ideas wont succeed, that something bad is going to happen, or even that you can’t handle being waterboarded, there’s still a decent chance things will go alright.