Archive for young entrepreneurship

Blog Post #1.

I have found Ryan Hickman, a 13 year old entrepreneur making money to donate to charity, very interesting and loved reading about his story. Since he was only 3 years old, he hated seeing bottles and cans laying on the ground while walking around outside, and he decided to step up and make a change. He started with collecting his own families recyclable, trading his first haul in for $5. This $5 inspired him so much that he grabbed a bag and a bike, rode around his neighborhood, and collected their recyclable trash which he would also take to trade in.  This sparked an amazing idea that he took and ran with. By age 7, he was running his own business, called Ryan’s Recycling Company. At age 13, he has appeared on several news channels and tv shows talking about his mission to the world, and even sells t-shirts online, which all profits are donated to the rescue organization Pacific Marine Mammal Center. He has raised over $14000, and helped recycle 1.5 million bottles. He believes strongly in helping the environment and cleaning up the world as a whole. He has expanded in many ways and has made a huge impact on not only his community, but across several parts of the United States. It inspires me to attack the problems I face and find solutions to those said problems, especially if their is a personal story behind it. If any kid, especially at such a young age, can have such a positive impact on the world, who says I can’t?