What Next for Berkshire Hathaway’s Entrepreneurial Empire?

Berkshire Hathaway has been the leader in acquiring large, profitable venture. But, with Warren Buffet nearing 90, what is in store for the billion dollar company? Buffet has set up a succession plan for the next few years, according to Lorie Konish at CNBC. But what does that mean for the entrepreneur’s empire?

I think it will look something like this: Investing at Berkshire Hathaway is supposed to change drastically when Buffet leave. Although, the company claims that all habits implemented by Buffet are to stay in place. What will this do to the raging stock now nearing $32o,000 per share? My guess is this stock will fail.

Look out entrepreneurs, it might just be our turn to take a chunk out of this billion dollar monopoly! Take a look at the CNBC article and let me know what you think.



Cole Plominski

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